Sunday, August 1, 2010

"The Usual?"

I live very near a florist. I also love jonquils and early cheers. So much so that the florist says "The usual?" when I walk in.

I was given these by my boss at the coffee shop this week. He's heard about my secrect project and that I might be leaving work to focus on that...hence the note.

We'll see...


  1. the note is pretty cute!! You must be essential at your work!;)

  2. love your canisters. a regular at the florists is about the classiest thing I've ever heard, even nicer than at a fancy bar

  3. That's pretty adorable. Especially the smiley face. Heh. ;)

  4. Aw that is sweet. I love my fresh flowers too - I buy them every friday evening after work for a lovely start to my weekend.

  5. Aww, that's cute! It's so nice having fresh flowers to brighten your home!


Thanks for your comments!