Putting up the first piece...(excuse the bad iphone photos!)
8 hours later and...
Lots more still to go, but it's a start...
There's a really pretty walk that we do each time we go, along the lake into town. Queenstown is a total bust when it comes to vintage/thrifting adventures, but I did find this nice skirt for $5 in an op shop in Dunedin.
And my Cheap Monday sunnies arrived in the mail just before we left. Excellent!
For fancy, I packed this dress. The long sleeves make it nice and warm. It's a Berkshire "In Between Size Casual" from the late 50's.I attempted something different with my hair...
Which I think looked okay.
Back home and to work Monday!
Plans and patternmaking...
A "fit shoe" is made to check size and pattern...
It is stretched over the last - a wooden foot to shape the leather...
The leather uppers and lining for the real deal...
The edges are thinned down to reduce bulk at the stitch lines... The heels are sewn first and top edges folded down...
Lining is sewn in...
The buckles is sewn in place...
Topstitching done...
Ready for lasting (stretching over the last)...
Lsted up and ready to dye...
First coat...
Last coat...
Sealed with hi shine sealant.